Search results for search

85 articles found

  • Turning off the Show Search Bar default search field

    If you want to disable the search filter in a DataTables View, read this article: Disable DataTables Search Filter. Click the Multiple Entries tab Click the gear icon next to the Search Bar widget

  • Configuring the Search Bar

    GravityView's Search Bar allows for some great configuration options. Click "Add Widget" button If you're creating a new View, you will need to Start Fresh or choose a Data Source before you can see

  • Configuring the (WordPress) Search Widget

    The WordPress Search widget allows you to add a GravityView search bar to your sidebar, footer, or any other widget area on your site. This is helpful if you want to allow users to search your

  • Display issues with the Search Bar

    If your Search Bar layout is set to horizontal and it is displaying vertically, your browser may not support the "flexbox" functionality. Please visit What's My Browser and see what browser you're

  • Modifying Search Bar Inputs

    The Search Bar input fields can be customized using several filters that are available in GravityView. Searchable Fields By default, all fields except File Upload, Post Image, Post ID and Section

  • Styling the Search Bar Widget

    GravityView includes a Search Bar widget that you can add to your View to improve your navigation among entries. Sometimes you may need to override the search bar default styling by adding your own

  • How to hide results and only display them if a search is performed

    Let's say you want to hide your View results, and only display them after a search is performed. That's a built-in setting in GravityView called "Hide View data until search is performed " which you

  • What are View widgets useful for?

    Widgets in Views are tools that enhance your entry listings by allowing you to filter, paginate or navigate more easily among your entries. Some of these widgets are built-into GravityView, others

  • Fine-tuning search results in GravityView with search modifiers

    GravityView 2.22 and newer support search modifiers that enable more precise filtering within Views. These modifiers—positive, negative, and exact-match—help refine queries so that results more

  • What are "Search as map moves" and "Redo search in map"?

    At the top right of the map, you'll either see a button that says "Redo search in map" or a checkbox that says "Search as map moves". In this article, we explain what this refers to. Search as map

  • Linking to search results

    If you want to link to search results, it's simple: configure the Search Bar, perform a search, then copy the URL of the search results. First: Configure the Search Bar Add any fields you want to

  • How to enable radius search

    In this article, we'll show you how to enable radius search for the GravityView Maps layout. Radius search allows you to search for map locations within a specified radius. You can also search on

  • Using the Search Bar "Clear" button

    Added in Version 1.5.4 The Search bar widget has a "Show Clear button" setting. Enabling this setting allows users to clear entered search values. Click the gear to open the Search Bar widget

  • How to search for a whole phrase

    By default, GravityView splits a search that contains a phrase into a search for each word separately. Searching for the phrase "Experience with PHP" will return results for entries that contain

  • How to Disable the DataTables Search Filter

    When using the DataTables Extension, Views are displayed with a search input (red outline) provided by the DataTables script. You may not want both of these enabled if you are also using the

  • How to search for an exact match

    In order to search for exact matches in GravityView, use quotes around words. GravityView supports exact-match search using Search Modifiers. Arkansas and Kansas What happens if you have a form with

  • Using a range to search numeric fields

    GravityView Version 2.22 supports the use of numeric ranges to search within Number, Product (user-defined price), Quantity, and Total fields. This allows for more precise filtering by enabling users

  • Changing search form style from horizontal to vertical

    This article is outdated; you can now set Horizontal or Vertical layout configurations when configuring the Search Bar. The code below does still work. GravityView displays search fields horizontally

  • Changing the format of the search widget's date picker

    By default, GravityView formats dates in the US format of mm/dd/yyyy . If you would like to change that, you can. Date format options are: dmy - dd/mm/yyyy dmy_dash - dd-mm-yyyy dmy_dot -

  • Change the search parameter from "letter" to something else

    By default, the A-Z Entry Filter Extension uses the letter parameter to filter entries. For example, if you have a View at and you wanted to filter by entries that start

  • How to navigate to an HTML anchor after search

    Do you want the Search Bar to navigate to an HTML anchor on the page after a search is performed? If so, you can add the following code to your site: /** * Modify the action of the Search Bar form to

  • Does the Search Bar support operators like OR or AND?

    Yes, when accessing the Search Bar configuration modal the Search Mode section that appears when you add two or more fields shows up to reveal the options to choose the search operators for the

  • Modifying the Go Back link to avoid losing search parameters

    The Go Back link of the Single Entry page redirects the user to the Multiple Entries page. However, if the user performs a search, the Go Back link will lose the search parameters when returning to

  • How to always display featured entries, regardless of search results

    If you would like to always show featured entries, even if the current View search would exclude the entries from being shown, you can do so by adding the following code: /** * Allow override of

  • Search: Changing the default option in a select (drop down) field

    By default, the first option of a drop-down field (also called a "select") on a search bar is a dash "—". We can change that to a more intuitive text like "-- Select --" by using this code below: /**

  • Only show choices in the Search Bar that exist in entries

    In the GravityView Search Bar widget, you may want to only display choices that exist in submitted entries (as opposed to showing all choices for each field). Here's an example: Let's say you have a

  • My theme is Divi and I can't see the Search Bar

    If you can't see the Search Bar on any other View widgets and you are using Divi (or a child theme based on Divi) on your website, the cause is the option "Grab the first post image" in Divi's Theme

  • Search Bar: Why is the state input is showing as a text field?

    The Search Bar allows you to define what type of search fields are displayed per form input. If your Address Type is United States or Canadian (see the image below), your defined Search Bar setting

  • How to change what fields are searched by the Search Bar "Created By" text input.

    You can search entries based on the information of the WordPress user who created the entry. By default, the search includes many of the fields set in the WordPress Profile screen. How to enable

  • Multiple Forms: Searching entries

    Multiple Forms is able to globally search all connected forms using the "Search Everything" search field. When searching a specific field, only the parent form fields are currently available. This

  • Modifying the text displayed when there are no entries

    New functionality: Displaying a form if no entries exist on the View. The information provided in this article doesn't work with Views using the DataTables layout. If you are using a DataTables

  • Known limitations of Multiple Forms

    The Multiple Forms plugin is still in beta, which means that some native GravityView functionalities that usually work on a simple View still don't work on a View with multiple joined forms. Here's a

  • Known limitations of the Responsive Tables mode of DataTables

    The Responsive Tables mode of DataTables is excellent to group additional columns on your View to save horizontal space but has some known limitations: Fancybox Gallery: Items are duplicated when the

  • Preventing Views and Entries from being crawled by the Google Crawler/Bot

    Sometimes your Views might contain sensitive data; therefore, you might want to prevent them from being indexed by Google and other search engines. To achieve that, you'll need to create a file on

  • Changing the creator of an entry in Gravity Forms

    Sometimes you may want to change who created an entry or assign the entry to someone else. Here's how to do it in Gravity Forms. First, hover over Forms and click Forms. Now, hover over the form

  • CSS Guide

    Here’s a summary of the CSS classes/IDs used in GravityView. Layouts Table List DataTables Edit Entry Search Bar Widget Other Styles The gv_class() Function Grid System Container List and Table Views

  • Using the [gravityview] Shortcode

    The [gravityview] shortcode allows you to embed Views on your website. But that's not all. There is also a range of parameters you can use to customize the output. You can use the [gravityview]

  • The Recent Entries Widget

    GravityView's Recent Entries Widget allows you to show the latest entries that are displayed on a View. Only the entries that are visible in the View will be displayed in the widget (not necessarily

  • How GravityView Security Works

    As with any software, there may be security vulnerabilities. We do our best to secure the plugin and quickly patch any identified issues, but we provide no security guarantee or warranty. GravityView

  • How do I filter by a specific entry ID?

    If you want to create a link to a View that goes to the Multiple Entries context but only shows entries that are pre-filtered to a single entry based on its ID, you can do that two different ways: 1.

  • (Outdated) Modifying user capabilities to prevent access to GravityView settings

    ⚠️This article doesn't apply to GravityView version 2.16 (or newer). This article shows how to clone a user role in WordPress and modify its capabilities. In this example, we show how to prevent

  • The GravityView Direct Access Setting

    In this article, we will discuss the “Direct Access” setting in the View editor. In the “Publish” metabox in the GravityView View editor, there is an option to modify the direct access settings for

  • Radius Seach: Request Location

    Introduced in Maps version 3.1 is a new setting called Request Location. When checked, this setting prompts users for their location on page load. If consent is given, their browser provides location

  • View widgets conflict with All in One SEO

    The All in One SEO plugin has a setting that when activated, prevents the View widgets from showing up when the View is embedded into a page. Disabling this setting, restores the View widgets. The

  • Widget shortcodes

    You can use the shortcodes below to embed View Widgets. The [gravityview_widget_pagination_info] shortcode The Show Pagination Info widget Outputs Displaying X-Y of Z results text. Not visible on

  • DataTables Field Filters

    This feature requires DataTables 3.0 and GravityView 2.15 or newer. DataTables 3.0 introduced Field Filters. This functionality adds individual search fields to the table header or footer (or both at

  • How to Embed Charts on Your Website

    There are three different ways to embed a chart on your website with GravityCharts: By using a shortcode: The [gravitycharts] Shortcode; By embedding an image of the chart: Image charts for

  • Creating a review/voting system by embedding a form into a single entry

    Check out this blog post that uses the same tips from this article: How to build a photo contest site on WordPress using Gravity Forms and GravityView. Because GravityKit's Ratings & Reviews

  • Setting up SEO for Views with Yoast SEO

    Note: The latest version of our Social Sharing & SEO requires Yoast SEO version 14.7 or newer to be installed. Prefer to Watch the Video? After installing and activating the Yoast SEO plugin, you

  • Import Step: Choose a form for this import

    The form you select will be the destination of the imported CSV rows. The form you select in this step will be the form your CSV rows will be imported into. Don't see your form? 1. Scroll down or