(Outdated) Modifying user capabilities to prevent access to GravityView settings

⚠️This article doesn't apply to GravityView version 2.16 (or newer).

This article shows how to clone a user role in WordPress and modify its capabilities.

In this example, we show how to prevent Administrator-level users' access to the GravityView settings page. Use it as a template for modifying other user capabilities in GravityView ( here's a full list).

Click "Add New" under "Plugins"

Screenshot showing the Add New under Plugins menu

Search for "Members"

Screenshot showing a search field

Click "Install Now" to install

Members should be the first result. If not, find it in the search results.

Screenshot showing the Members plugin

Activate the plugin once installed

Screenshot showing plugin installation logs

Hover over "Users" and click on the new "Roles" submenu

The Roles menu has been added by the Members plugin.

Clone the Administrator role

Screenshot showing the Roles page under Users menu

Add New Role ‹ Local WordPress Dev — WordPress

Click on the GravityView group

You can see all the GravityView capabilities in one spot by clicking on the GravityView tab. You can also see the capabilities in "All" if you want.

Screenshot showing the Administrator role links

Check "Deny" for capabilities you wish to remove

Make sure to check "Deny" for gravityview_full_access. Users with the gravityview_full_access capability will automatically have all GravityView capabilities.

In this example, we want to prevent the user from seeing the GravityView Settings page, so we also uncheck gravityview_view_settings and gravityview_edit_settings.

Checking "Deny" for the mentioned permissions

Add the Role

Find the User you want to limit access to

Screenshot showing the All Users page under the Users menu

Click their username to edit the User

Screenshot showing a user account

At the bottom of their profile, select the new User Role

After checking the role checkbox, click "Update User".

Screenshow showing the Update button

Now, if the user attempts to access the settings page…

They'll see this message—and won't see the settings screen.

You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

You can see all users with the new Role

Go to All Users, and you'll see the new role in the role filter list. Click the link to see all users with that role at once.

Screenshot showing the Users page
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