Embed Views in posts and pages, and display content conditionally.
- Using the [gvlogic] shortcode
- Using the [gravityview] Shortcode
- The [gv_entry_link] Shortcode
- Displaying Fields conditionally
- Using the [gvfield] shortcode to embed single field values
- Use [gvlogic] to show (or hide) content anywhere on your site
- Using the {get} Merge Tags with [gvlogic] to display a person's name in a Custom Content widget
- Using the [gventry] Shortcode
- Widget shortcodes
- Using [gvlogic] and [gvlogic2] to create "AND" logic
- Pointing the [gv_entry_link] to a specific page
- Embedding two shortcodes on the same post or page
- How can I display a list of my Views on my site?
- Highlighting entries about to expire "today"
- How to conditionally display an image or a placeholder
- Using shortcodes inside Gravity Forms notifications
- How to track pageviews for entries using the [gv_pageviews] shortcode
- An Overview of Shortcodes Added by GravityView
- How to prevent an approved entry from being edited
- How to highlight an entry from a specific date