Using the [gvfield] shortcode to embed single field values

The [gvfield] shortcode provides an easy way to place any field from any entry based on some View settings. This feature was added to GravityView 2.0.

Use Cases

  • Outputting a link to edit or view a user profile? Check.
  • Showing the approval status of the latest entry submitted? Check.
  • Showing the latest registered user name? Check.
  • Showing the latest donation message, amount and name? Check.
  • A thousand and one other uses? Check.


This is a WordPress shortcode. It can be used in post content by adding [gvfield] (+ parameters) and in PHP code by calling do_shortcode . The parameters are:

parameter values description
view_id $id The numeric View ID the entry should be displayed from. Required.
entry_id $id, "last", "first" A numeric ID or slug referencing the entry. Or the last, first entry from the View. The View's sorting and filtering settings will be applied to the entries. Required.
field_id $id[,$id..] The field ID that should be ouput. Required.
secret $secret Required if enabled in the View. More: Enable Enhanced Security: the secret attribute for shortcodes
$key $value Field setting overrides, like title, etc. These will be pulled in from the View if the field was added to the View, otherwise, defaults will be used.


Let's say you have a form that collects donations. In your form, you have an "In Memory Of" field, where people can honor loved ones by attributing their donation.

Here's how you would show the latest "In Memory Of" submission value (in the example, the View ID is  4, the Field ID is 49):

The latest donation received was in memory of [gvfield view_id=4 entry_id="last" field_id=49].

When displayed on the page, it will look like this:

The latest donation received was in memory of Dominica Wiley.
The latest donation received was in memory of: [gvfield view_id=4 entry_id="last" field_id=49]

Outputting the latest registered member username and date registered, merged from two form feeds:

Latest registered user: [gvfield view_id=8 entry_id="last" field_id="1,5"]
Date registered: [gvfield view_id=8 entry_id="last" field_id="date_created"]

Outputting the edit link for the current user where the View is filtered to display entries only for the current user:

[gvfield view_id="1" entry_id="first" field_id="5" custom_label="My Profile"]

Showing the Label or the Value for a Field With Choices

For radio, select, and checkbox fields, you may want to override the choice_display setting. To do so, pass the attribute and value to the shortcode:

[gvfield view_id="8" entry_id="first" field_id="1" choice_display="label"]

Note the `choice_label` setting being set to "label". Here's how to show the value as a value:

[gvfield view_id="8" entry_id="first" field_id="1" choice_display="value"]

This will override the configured View settings.


The standard security rules for outputting fields apply. In short, a field will not be shown if the current user cannot see such fields in the context of the view and the entry. Unapproved entries? A no-show to non-admins. Deleted? Nope. The View is password protected, a draft, private? Nuh-uh.

If you need to output a field from a View that shouldn't be accessible by frontend users, set it as "Embed-only".

Advanced Usage: Filters

The [gvfield] shortcode calls upon several filters that allow developers to modify the output as needed.


Filter the final output value of the field about to be output. Useful to override empty entries; for example, for non-logged-in users, this can be used to output the registration link instead of a blank profile link.

add_filter( 'gravityview/shortcodes/gvfield/output', function( $output, $view, $entry, $field ) {
    if ( $view && $view->ID == MY_SECRET_VIEW ) {
        if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
            return "<a href='#'>Login</a>";
    return $output;
}, 10, 4 );


Filter the initial shortcode attributes. Helpful to tack on defaults or dynamically change IDs, etc.

add_filter( 'gravityview/shortcodes/gvfield/atts', function( $atts ) {
    if ( $atts['view_id'] == MY_SECRET_VIEW && $user = wp_get_current_user() ) {
        $atts['entry_id'] = $user->secret_entry_id;
        $atts['custom_label'] = $user->secret_label;
    return $atts;
} );
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