Maps Layout
Using the GravityView Maps layout, connecting to Google Maps, and more.
- About GravityView Maps geocoding
- How do I display only the Map? I don't want to display the entries under the Map.
- Is it possible to style the map?
- Granting Google Cloud Access to Support
- Google Maps Javascript API Error "RefererNotAllowedMapError"
- My map is gray and there are no entry markers
- Getting Started With the Maps Layout
- Can I use Maps to autocomplete addresses on my form?
- Enabling autocomplete for the Gravity Forms Address field
- Fixing a conflict with UberMenu plugin
- Radius Seach: Request Location
- Using a latitude and longitude fields to position the map markers
- What are "Search as map moves" and "Redo search in map"?
- Signing up for a Google Maps API Key
- Configuring info boxes in GravityView Maps
- How to show markers from multiple address fields on a map
- How to override geocoding coordinates
- Why aren't some of my entries showing up on the map?
- How can I make the marker link to open in a new tab?
- Enabling the REST API access