Getting Started: Choosing a Form and a View Layout

Now that you’ve installed the GravityView plugin, you’re ready to create your first View.

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First, hover over Views in your WordPress admin menu, click on New View, and give your View a name.

Next, you need to define a Data Source. This tells your View where to pull information from. You can either choose to "Use a Form Preset", or you can select an existing form in Gravity Forms.

1. Form Presets

If you decide to use a form preset, GravityView will automatically create a new form for you in Gravity Forms. This form will contain different fields depending on the preset that you select. 
GravityView will also automatically configure the View Layout and populate your View with different fields and widgets.
Form presets are helpful if you’re building a new application and want a head start. You can see the different presets available below.

2. Choosing an Existing Form in Gravity Forms

If you decide to use an existing form in Gravity Forms as your Data Source, you will need to select a View Layout. Depending on your license, some of these layouts may not be accessible.

Screenshot of the Choose a View Type section

The Table View and the Listing View are the default View layouts. They are part of the GravityView license.

The DataTables, Map, and DIY layouts are included in the GravityView Pro and All Access licenses.

3. Choosing a different layout for the Single Entry page

Introduced in GravityView version 2.24, you can now use a different View layout on the Single Entry tab.

Note: For more information about each of the View types, read Comparing GravityView’s View Types

Read Next: Getting Started: Adding Fields to the Multiple Entries and Single Entry Pages

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