Displaying a Calendar

If you haven't already, please create a calendar first. 

You can display the calendar on your site using many ways:


To access your calendar's shortcode, navigate to the Forms list, hover over the form record, and click on the Calendar Feeds link:

Screenshot showing the Calendar Feeds link on the list of forms page

In the feeds table, copy your calendar's shortcode listed in the Shortcode column and use it inside a Post or elsewhere on your site:

Screenshot showing the place of the [gravitycalendar] shortcode

WordPress Widget

To configure a WordPress widget, navigate to the Widgets area under Appearance, locate and click on GravityCalendar, then click on the Add Widget button:

Screenshot of the GravityCalendar widget

Once the Widget is added to the list, you need to configure it by selecting a Form and Feed (i.e., calendar), and then press the Save button:

Screenshot of the widget configuration panel

Gutenberg Block

To add a Gutenberg Block, edit an existing or create a new post by clicking Add New option under Posts, clicking on the + sign to add a new Gutenberg block, type "Calendar" on the input box to quickly locate the GravityCalendar blocks, and then select GravityCalendar from the list of available blocks:

Screenshot of the Post creation screen

Once the Block is added, you will have to select a Form and Feed (i.e., calendar) from the Block settings to render the calendar preview in the editor.

Screenshot of the Block settings panel

GravityView Widget

If you have an active GravityView installation, you can embed a calendar in your View (read about setting up a View) by using the + Add Widget button and selecting Calendar:

Once the widget is added, click on the settings cog icon to configure the calendar:

You can choose to display events for all View entries or limit them to only those entries shown on the page. Make sure to publish or update your View to save the changes.

When used as a GravityView Widget, the calendar will inherit the View's settings. What you see in the calendar preview (under Form Settings → GravityCalendar Feed) could be different from the final output if you configured Advanced Filter conditions, limited display to only approved entries or changed other options that control how entries are shown.

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