Displaying video, audio, and media links as a player using the Custom Content field
Imagine you have a field in your form where people share a Vimeo or YouTube link, and you'd like to display those links as a Video player instead of the link to the video. Or you have a tweet from Twitter that you want to embed in a View.
By using the Custom Content field and enabling the "Render oEmbeds" field setting, you can embed video, audio, slideshows, documents, and other media from many services, including:
- YouTube
- Vimeo
- WordPress.tv
- And many more!
Here's how:
1. Add a Custom Content field to your View
Click the "Add View" button, then click the Custom Content field.
2. Click the gear icon to configure the field settings.
2. Add the merge tag to the content's field.
3. Check the checkbox "Render oEmbeds"