Edit Entry: Multi-page form editing
This functionality is currently in testing and may have bugs.
By default, Edit Entry doesn't support multi-page forms; we are currently developing support for this functionality.
If you would like to enable support, add the following code to your site (here's how to add the code):
add_filter( 'gravityview/features/paged-edit', '__return_true' );
Known Limitations
Edit Entry Layout configurations will be ignored
When the setting is enabled, any field configurations in the Edit Entry Layout tab will be ignored. Multi-page editing is complex and requires all fields to be included.
Edits are saved after each page, not at the end of the form
In Gravity Forms, users navigate between form pages and only submit the completed once. When editing entries in GravityView, each page navigation (Previous, Next, Submit) updates the entry with the changed values.
Page Conditional Logic is supported
If a page is shown or hidden using conditional logic, that will work properly.
The "Next Button Conditional Logic" Page Field setting is not supported
In Gravity Forms, when you configure the Page field, you can define "Next Button Conditional Logic". This setting does not work in GravityView Edit Entry.