Linking to a Single Entry

The Single Entry page shows more detailed information about a particular entry. You can create links to the Single Entry page from the Multiple Entries screen.

If you haven’t configured the Single Entry Layout yet, first read Getting Started: Adding Fields to the Multiple Entries and Single Entry Pages.

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There are two ways to link to a Single Entry in GravityView. You can either configure an existing field to link through to the single entry, or you can add a dedicated link to your View.

1. Configuring an Existing Field to Link Through to the Single Entry

Log in to your WordPress website, hover over Views in the left-hand sidebar, and click All Views. Edit the View you want to change.

Next, find the field you want to link to the single entry and click on the gear icon to bring up the Field Settings.

Screenshot of the fields added to the Multiple Entries layout

Now, check the box that says “Link to single entry”. 

Note: If you don’t see the checkbox, it may be because that field does not support this feature. Select another field and try again.

Screenshot of the field settings highlighting the Link to Single Entry option

You will see a new icon appear next to the field name, and the background will change to blue.

Screenshot of the fields added to the Multiple Entries layout with the First name field highlighted with a blue background

Check out your View on the front end. The field should now display as a clickable link, as in the example below.

Screenshot of a View showing the First Name field with a link

2. Add a Dedicated Link to the Single Entry Field

Navigate to the View you want to edit. From the Multiple Entries Layout screen, add a new field to your View by clicking the + Add Field button.

Scroll down and select the “Link to Single Entry” field. This will add a new field to your View that links to the Single Entry Layout for any given entry.

Screenshot showing the field modal open in the Multiple Entries layout

If you want to change the field label and/or the link text, click the gear icon to open the Field Settings and edit the text accordingly.

Screenshot of the Field Settings showing how to edit the label and link text

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