Adding a GravityCharts Widget to GravityView

GravityCharts integrates with GravityView, allowing you to add charts to your front-end applications. 

First, ensure that you have created at least one chart for the form attached to your View. Next, edit your View, click the 'Add Widget' button and select the GravityCharts widget.

The GravityCharts widgets in the widgets listNow click on the gear icon to configure the widget settings. 

A GravityCharts widget in the Bottom Widgets Area on the Multiple Entries Layout

Here you can select the chart you want to embed and choose whether to display data from all entries or only those visible on the page. You can also set a max height and width for your chart.

The GravityCharts Widget SettingsWhen you're done, update your View and check it on the front end.

A View with the title 'Lead Generation' showing a table of people's names, emails and industries. There is a bar chart below the table showing the frequency for different industries.

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