Calendar: Developer Hooks

Plugin paths


Modify the FullCalendar core script used.

Parameter Type Default Description
$path string {URL of plugin directory}/lib/fullcalendar/main.js Full URL to the jQuery FullCalendar file.


Modify the URL to FullCalendar locales. This can be used to point to your own translations.

Parameter Type Default Description
$locales_url string {URL of plugin directory}/lib/fullcalendar/locales/ URL to FullCalendar locales directory

FullCalendar overrides


Modify all FullCalendar options in an array.

Parameter Type Default Description
$calendar_options array Array of settings used when rendering FullCalendar
$form_id int Current form ID The ID of the form connected to the calendar
$feed_id int Current feed ID The ID of the calendar feed currently being shown

Override default calendar locale (automatically set to `en` or WP language code):

add_filter('gravityview/calendar/options', function ($calendar_options, $form_id, $feed_id ) {
	$calendar_options['locale'] = 'fr';
	return $calendar_options;
}, 10, 3 );

To set showNonCurrentDates to false

Here’s an example of modifying the GravityCalendar output to disable showNonCurrentDates , but only for Calendar feed #5:

add_filter( 'gravityview/calendar/options', function ( $calendar_options, $form_id, $feed_id ) {
    // Only modify the setting for Calendar #5
    if( 5 !== $feed_id ) {
        return $calendar_options;

    $calendar_options['showNonCurrentDates'] = false;

    return  $calendar_options;
}, 10, 3 );


Modify extra options used in the plugin’s UI that aren’t standard to FullCalendar.

This is a way to pass additional data to the FullCalendar configuration object in a way that won’t affect initialization. For example, navigateToEvents is a custom calendar option and will throw an error if used to initialize a FullCalendar instance in the UI.

This filter is internal, but you may want to use it for similar reasons.

Rendering & content overrides


Modify the status used to find matching entries. If set to false , no status will be defined, and all entries will be returned.

Parameter Type Default Description
$status string, false 'active' Gravity Forms entry status. Options: 'active', 'spam', 'trash', or false


Parameter Type Default Description
$sort_order array [ 'key' => {start date}, 'direction' => 'ASC' ] Sort order with key and direction values.
$form_id int Current form ID ID of the current feed being processed
$field_map array Current feed ID Gravity Forms field map array of feed fields mapped to calendar settings (e.g., start_time, end_time)
 * Overrides the sort order to be sorted by form field #3 when using Calendar #22
add_filter( 'gravityview/calendar/settings/sort_order', function ( $sort_order, $feed_id, $field_map ) {

    if( 22 !== $feed_id ) {
        return  $sort_order;

    return array(
        'key' => 3,
        'direction' => 'DESC',

}, 10, 3 );


Used to populate the form entries that are displayed in the calendar. You can override by filtering the entries using a priority greater than 10 .

Note: $from_date and $to_date values are created with strtotime() from Start Date and End Date field values. They are false if there was an error parsing the value when creating the timestamp.

Parameter Type Default Description
$entries array [] Form entries with title, start, end, and description (optional) keys.
$feed_id int 0 ID of the current feed being processed
$from_date int, false, null null Start date timestamp used to filter events.
$to_date int, false, null null End date timestamp used to filter events.

Entries are expected in the following format:

        'title' => 'Event One',
        'start' => '2022-04-12T10:30:00',
        'end'   => '2022-04-12T12:30:00',
        'description' => 'Optional description!',
        'title' => 'Event Two',
        'start' => '2022-05-13T10:30:00',
        'end'   => '2012-05-13T12:30:00',
        'description' => 'Description optional!'

The entries array is parsed by the GV_Extension_Calendar_Feed::calendar_events() method, which transforms the array into the expected calendar format.


Prevent entries from being displayed in the calendar by returning an array of IDs.

Note: If an entry ID is included in this list, it will still be shown if the event is on the “include” list (see the gravityview/calendar/events/include filter).

Parameter Type Default Description
$entry_ids array [] or int[] Array of entry IDs to be displayed based on feed settings. May be empty array.
$form array Current form Gravity Forms form object connected to the calendar feed
$feed array Current feed Calendar Gravity Forms feed object
$field_map array Current feed ID Gravity Forms field map array of feed fields mapped to calendar settings (e.g., start_time, end_time)
$entries array [] or array[] Array of full entries from $entry_ids, instead of just the IDs.


Show these events in the calendar.

Parameter Type Default Description
$entry_ids array [] or int[] Array of entry IDs to be displayed based on feed settings. May be empty array.
$form array Current form Gravity Forms form object connected to the calendar feed
$feed array Current feed Calendar Gravity Forms feed object
$field_map array Current feed ID Gravity Forms field map array of feed fields mapped to calendar settings (e.g., start_time, end_time)
$entries array [] or array[] Array of full entries from $entry_ids, instead of just the IDs.


Modify whether to process shortcodes in the event title and event description.

Parameter Type Default Description
$do_shortcode bool true True: Process shortcodes in title and description. False: don’t!
$form array Current form Gravity Forms form object connected to the calendar feed
$feed array Current feed Calendar Gravity Forms feed object
$field_map array Current feed ID Gravity Forms field map array of feed fields mapped to calendar settings (e.g., start_time, end_time)


Parameter Type Default Description
$attributes array See below Array of HTML attributes to be applied to the calendar container
Key Type Default Description
class string gv-fullcalendar CSS class for the container
data-feed_id int $feed_id The ID of the feed being rendered.
data-calendar_id string wp_generate_password() Simple hash to differentiate multiple calendars.
data-view_id int or null $view_id` The ID of the current View, if embedded inside a GravityView View

Feed setting filters


Modify the total number of events displayed on a calendar.

Parameter Type Default Description
$total_event_limit int 1000 Maximum total number of events to fetch
$feed_id int Current feed ID The ID of the calendar feed currently being shown


Override the field types shown in the feed configuration when selecting Start Date and End Date.

Parameter Type Default Description
$field_types array ['date', 'date_created', 'date_updated'] Default field types used for populating the Start Date or End Date settings.

Allow for text fields to be used in the feed configuration

If you allow entering dates into a text field—not recommended due to inconsistent formatting!—you may want to use the field as the “Start Date” or “End Date” values. The code below will allow that:

 * Add Text fields to the list of fields to display when selecting Start Date and End Date.
 * @param array $field_types
 * @return array Field types, with "text" added.
add_filter( 'gravityview/calendar/settings/fields/date', function ( $field_types ) {

    $field_types[] = 'text';

    return $field_types;
} );


Override the field types shown in the feed configuration when selecting Start Time and End Time.

Parameter Type Default Description
$field_types array ['time', 'date_created_time', 'date_updated_time'] Default field types used for populating the Start Time or End Time settings.


Override the field types shown in the feed configuration when selecting Event Location.

Parameter Type Default Description
$field_types array ['address'] Default field types used for populating the Event Location setting.


Override the field types shown in the feed configuration when selecting Event URL.

Parameter Type Default Description
$field_types array ['url', 'website'] Default field types used for populating the Event URL setting.
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