Customizing URLs

This is an advanced customization. Only continue if you are a developer.

By default, GravityView uses  the URL structure, where 123 is the ID of the entry.

The parts of the URL can be modified:

  • Change /view/ by using the gravityview_slug filter
  • Change /entry/ by using the gravityview_directory_endpoint filter
  • Change /123/ by using the gravityview_entry_slug filter

Let's say you're using GravityView to show healthcare providers serving your hospital. You will want to change /view/entry/123/ to /providers/ref/123/ to improve the URL structure of the site and help your site's SEO value.

Change the custom post type slug for Views

Change /view/ to /providers/

add_filter('gravityview_slug', 'change_the_gravityview_slug');    
 * Change the /view/ URL piece to /providers/  
 * @param  string $slug Previous slug, default: "view"   
 * @return string           Change the new endpoint to "providers"   
function change_the_gravityview_slug( $slug ) {
      return 'providers';  

Changing the entry endpoint

Change /entry/ to /ref/

add_filter('gravityview_directory_endpoint', 'change_the_gravityview_directory_endpoint');    
 * Change the /entry/ URL piece to /ref/  
 * @param  string $endpoint Previous endpoint, default: "entry"  
 * @return string           Change the new endpoint to "name"  
function change_the_gravityview_directory_endpoint( $endpoint ) {      
    return 'ref';  

Some values cannot be used

Certain values are reserved for WordPress. These values aren't allowed:

error , m , p , post_parent , subpost , subpost_id , attachment , attachment_id , name , static , pagename , page_id , second , minute , hour , day , monthnum , year , w , category_name , tag , cat , tag_id , author , author_name , feed , tb , paged , comments_popup , meta_key , meta_value , preview , s , sentence , fields , menu_order

Other values may also not work because of plugin conflicts. If you get errors, try using another value.

After making changes, if you get 404 errors

After making changes to the URL structure, you will likely need to save your Permalinks settings in the Dashboard, under Settings > Permalinks. This should fix the 404 errors.

Screenshot showing the Permalinks page of WordPress

Advanced usage: Use entry values in the URL

Warning: The use of entry values as URL slugs is not supported by GravityKit support but is available for developers to take advantage of.

If you have multiple Views that connect to different forms, it's easy to have conflicts between the field values. When using entry values, you must always verify the form ID and/or the View ID when changing URLs based on entry values to avoid collisions.

Changing URLs to use entry values while checking the form ID:

add_filter( 'gravityview_custom_entry_slug', '__return_true' );

add_filter('gravityview_entry_slug', 'change_the_gravityview_entry_slug', 10, 3 );    

  * Change the /entry/123/ URL piece to /entry/{unique_entry_id}   
  * @param  string $slug Previous endpoint, default: the entry ID   
  * @return string Change the new endpoint to the field value
 function change_the_gravityview_entry_slug( $slug, $id, $entry = array() ) {        

	$form_id = 12; // Add the ID of the form your View is connected to 
	$field_id = '29'; // Add the ID of the field you are going to use as the entry slug
	if( ! empty( $entry[ $field_id ] ) && (int) $entry['form_id'] === $form_id ) {          
 		$slug = $entry[ $field_id ];      
	return $slug;  

Read here how to add these code samples to your website: Where to put code samples.

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