Ratings & Reviews Hooks

This is an incomplete list of hooks. For full inline documentation, please refer to the extension source code.


Modifies who is able to

Added: 2.3


Property Type Description
$is_user_allowed_to_edit boolean Whether the current user is able to edit the current review.
$review WP_Comment The review object.
$entry_id int ID of the entry that has the reviews.
$view_id int The GravityView View ID being rendered.


The Post Bridge is a 1 to 1 custom post type that has a 1 to 1 relationship with a Gravity Forms entry that has a review.

Comments are left on the Post Bridge post, then pulled in on each entry by getting comments stored on the Post Bridge CPT.

This filter allows you to modify the default title format, as shown in the Comments screen of WordPress.


Property Type Description
$post_bridge_title string Default title format: "GF entry ID %d, GF form ID %d"
$entry array Gravity Forms entry to create the post bridge for.
$entry_id int ID of the entry that has the reviews.
$view_id int The GravityView View ID being rendered.


Controls whether downvoting is disabled.

Added: 2.3


Property Type Description
$disable_downvoting bool Whether to disable downvoting. Default: false or the value set in the View settings.


Replaces merge tag with its value.

Added: 2.3

Property Type Description
$post_bridge_title int|float|mixed Replacement value.
$merge_tag string Merge tag to replace.
$text string Text where the replacement takes place.
$entry_ratings_detailed array Entry ratings data generated by GravityView_Ratings_Reviews_Helper::get_ratings_detailed()
$form array Gravity Forms form data.
$entry array Gravity Forms entry data.
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